Monday, 28 September 2009

Play Group

Christina: When I was pregnant with Xander, I was part of a web forum that I was on nearly everyday. When we arrived in England, there was a mom on there that was stationed here at Lakenheath that invited all the other members on there that were stationed here to go out and take the kids to a playgroup. About once a month we get together and all the kids are nearly the same age. It's been fun and it's been a great way to spend time with Xander and to meet other mommies that just want to talk about kids :)

Monday, 14 September 2009

2 Week update

Josie had her two week appointment today, though she is only 12 days old. :) Her height was 18.4 inches(1%), weight was 5 lbs. 6 oz.(1%), and head circumfrance was 32.5 cm (0%). She is doing perfectly fine!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Schloss Neuschwanstein

Yesterday, we decided to get out and see a little of Germany. We went to Neuschwanstein castle. It is the castle that they modeled Cinderella's castle at Disney Land after. It was a very long drive, but it was well worth it. We drove over the Rhein River, and almost crossed the boarder into Austria without passports! Oops. The lake near the castles was breath taking. The water was SO clear and blue. It was a fun trip that we are glad we took.

Xander's Ferrari

We found this Ferrari at Toys R Us here in Germany. Everytime we put him in it, he got really excited and would play with the steering wheel. Hmm... I wonder what he might be getting for his birthday next year!

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Xander Draws

Xander has recently found a new love. He will take his notebook and a pen and go sit in the corner with it. He gets so excited about it!
Ignore where it says the end, it wasnt supposed to be there.
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Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Josie Taylor Benedict

At 12:08 am on September 2, 2009 Josie Taylor Benedict was born. She weighed an unexpected 5 lbs 3 oz, has a head full of hair and came out crying like a champ. Scott was not able to attend unfortunatly, but he was first to see her via webcam! Pictures are curtosy of my nurse.
About the labor and delivery: At around 3:30 pm September 1, they started me on pitocin to induce labor. The plan was not to deliver until I was 39 weeks, but today at my 36 week check there were some signs that the doctors should deliver now. She was not really being responsive in her heart rate nor was she making many movements. Her size was measuring below the 3rd %, so they thought it better now then never. She was estimated to be 4 lbs 5 oz. At around 8 or 9 pm they broke my water. My plan was to go natural with no pain relief. At around 11:30 pm my contractions were really becoming hard to bare. I requested an epidural. The midwifes came in to check where we were before I could have the epidural in case it was to late. It was to late. After three good and VERY painful pushes, out poped Josie. No problems. She is in the NICU because of the gestational age and size, but probably won't be for more than 24 hours for observations. I am on my way to see her after a shower!